If you had looked into our living room in the summer of 1992, you would have seen stuff all over, barrels and suitcases....all the detritus of our three years in Dallas, migrating into all the nooks and crannies until it could be organized and either packed or gotten rid of. We had finally received the green light to return to Ecuador! We didn't have 100% of the financial support required by the mission, but they made an exception in our case because we own our own home and property outright (no loans or mortgages), and therefore wouldn't have to pay several hundred dollars in rent every month. (We wouldn't have to pay for language school, either!) We only had 65% of the quota, but we had both grown up here and figured we could handle it. No luxuries, maybe, but we wouldn't starve!
Dan had asked to stay in Dallas to finish high school with his friends...and keep playing football! He was a real asset to the small Christian school's team, so when he changed his mind and decided to do 12th grade here in Quito after all, his coach hit the ceiling! Germán and Debbie and I traveled in early August, then Dan came down a little later. We were home at last!
Some years ago, I got to wondering once how God must feel when what He sees in our hearts isn't all that commendable (or is just plain awful!). Amazingly, He doesn't throw a fit and tell us to clean up our act...or else! (Remember your mom telling you to clean your room?!) Rather, He is ready, willing, and able to step in right beside us and set to work cleaning up, as soon as we let Him. How He loves us! I wrote Him this song...
What Do You See?
What do You feel as You walk through my heart,
seeing dust on the windowpanes, making it dark;
hearing silence in halls made for echoing praise;
wondering if anyone cares if You go or You stay?
What do You see, looking into my heart?
I think some of the doorways were locked from the start.
And there must be some rooms I know nothing about...
but I must have your help to start sorting things out.
My Child, as I walk through your life,
I'll clean the dust from the windows to let in my Light;
I'll oil each rusty hinge so the doorways swing free;
make the rooms all ring out with hosannas for Me.
What do I see as I walk through your soul?
I see my Blood on the doorpost, my Name on the wall;
and a banqueting table laid with Heaven's best fare,
where together we'll dine... and Eternity share!
-Becky Rhon
When we let the Son's light shine into and through our hearts, it isn't only of enormous benefit to ourselves. God can use his light to illuminate the way of those around us who can't see which road to take.
May you feel God's presence in a special way this week and enjoy the warmth of his Love and his Light. See you next time!