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Miriam, Noe, Micah, Liliana, and Eli (front) |
This last year, though, I messed up! The first day I made them in Dan and KC's new house, everything was great. Later I decided I'd make them once more before we all dispersed for our homes. But in getting all the dry ingredients together ahead of time, so I could go take a rest, I grabbed the bottle of what I thought was baking powder. (Having just used it in something else, I didn't bother to look at the label.) Later, as I finished the dough, I pinched a tiny bit off and thought it tasted a bit bitter. Oh well...I went ahead and finished.
When we dug into them at supper...oh dear!...they were quite bitter! They weren't exactly totally inedible. The butter and honey helped some. But they definitely were NOT Abuelita's always-looked-forward-to biscuits! What I thought was baking powder was actually baking soda, and quite a lot went into the dough! Bitter biscuits...all because I didn't take the time to confirm the label. It was not a wise thing to do in someone else's kitchen!
Carelessness can make us mess up in other things, too, not just in the kitchen, right? Oh, yes! Hopefully, when we make mistakes due to carelessness, we resolve to be more careful next time. Unfortunately, being human means that it probably won't be long before we mess up again...from carelessness. God knows this!
In our walk with Him, He urges us to put effort into watching how we do things, into being careful. He tells us, for example:
"Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the Word of Truth." (II Timothy 2:15)
"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23)
"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming." (I Peter 1:)
"But test all things carefully...Hold firmly to that which is good." (I Thessalonians 5:21)
So let's make the psalmist's prayer our own:
"Teach me good judgement (discernment) and knowledge." (Psalm 119:66)
Here's the recipe (along with tweaks for gluten-free).
Sweet Potato Biscuits
Mix: 2 cups flour; 4 t. baking powder; 1/2 t. salt; 1 T. sugar
Cut in (til resembles crumbs): 4 T. butter
Add: 1 cup cooked, mashed sweet potato; 1 cup milk
Mix together well, knead on floured surface just until manageable (not sticky). Roll out, cut, and place on oiled baking sheet and bake in 450-degree oven till very-lightly golden.
(For gluten-free, use same amount of G-F flour, add 1 t. xanthan gum and use 5 t. baking powder.)