Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I'm SO glad that God NEVER says THAT!!

I was 15, and our family was in Mexico for three months (on our way to a furlough in the States).  At a small missionary complex,  I had my first venture into "entrepreneur-ship"!

I made a batch of glazed yeast donuts, then went door-to-door offering samples and taking orders! 12 pesos for a dozen.  I had to make donuts twice a week to fill all the orders. (They were really good!)
Every week I walked the dusty road into town and bought the flour, sugar, potatoes, yeast, etc., needed to produce my wares.  I kept an account so I could figure out my net profit.  In my memories, the days sort of blur into each other, as they were so similar.  But one part of each "donut-day" stands out even now, almost 50 years later!

I could look out the windows every donut-day afternoon, around 4:00 or so, and see other missionary kids arriving to stand outside our house....and wait.  Each one clutched something in his/her hand.  They never knew exactly when it would happen, but each one wanted to be among the first to get there.

What were they waiting for?

I had found that at the end of the donut-making process, there were always some that were a trifle deformed.  A little squished here or there.  I never included them in my regular orders, so they were always left over.  And THAT's what the kids were waiting for!

As the kids saw our door open, they would come up to buy the "irregulars" at half-price - only 50 centavos each.   The reason they tried to get there early was that, as the "irregulars" were limited,  (I never knew how many donuts were going to decide not to cooperate!), it was a matter of "first come, first served".  No one wanted to arrive too late to get one!

Isn't it comforting to know that God never says "first come, first served"?  We never have to wait anxiously, hoping to have gotten there in time to be included!  When Jesus said He was preparing rooms for us in Heaven, He never said they were limited, and if you didn't establish your relationship with Him early on, and someone else beat you to it, you'd be left out!  Check these verses out:

"Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not be judged, but has crossed over from death to life."  (Jesus, John 5:24)

"All those the Father gives Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me, I will never drive away."  (Jesus, John 6:37)

                       "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, 
                      that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."                                                             (John 3:16)