Sunday, February 2, 2020

This is incredible! I had NO idea!! (Did YOU?)

A couple of facts blindsided me recently.  Did you know there are two towns named Bethlehem in Israel?  I was born and raised and have lived around all things "Bible" for my almost- 66 years, but never caught on. We all know about the southern Bethlehem (Ephrathah) in Judea, from whence King David's family came, and in which Jesus was born. The other one is in northern Israel and is usually called Bethlehem of Galilee. That's the one with an...unfortunate "past"!

(Parenthetical note: the Galilee one is very close to Nazareth, and some scholars believe Jesus was born there.  But Scriptures disprove that.  See below for Biblical proof.)

Bethlehem of Galilee is ancient, with its peak occurring from the 2nd to 7th centuries, and was destroyed more than once, having a rather chaotic history.  In the 1890's German Templars purchased the lands, built nice stone houses and kept the ancient name.
Fast forward to around the time of World War 2.  In this Bethlehem there was actually an organized group of active supporters of the Nazi party!  Most got kicked out, and by the time Israel became a nation (again) in 1948, the rest either left voluntarily or were expelled.  Imagine...Nazis in the Holy Land!  (Of all the nerve!)

The deserted village was resettled, and became a "Moshav" (a cooperative community of farmers) in 1948.  Today it is a popular tourist site, with age-old ruins and an ancient cemetery.

Now let's look at another story of two entities with the same name...that also occurred in the World War 2 era.  But this one is personal, as it involved my father!

My father enlisted in the U.S. Air Force (at 17, I believe) and at one time was stationed in Germany, serving as a radio operator on the aircraft.  One day he checked the assignment lists and found that "Bruce Moore" was slated to be on a particular flight. There happened to be two men with the same name in the group, so my dad wasn't sure if he was on or not.

 Then one of his superiors found him and wanted him for something. ( I can't remember exactly what). When my father explained that his name was on the roster to fly, the other man said, "Let the other Bruce Moore go; you come with me."  (Or words to that effect.) So that's what he did.

Later they found out that that particular plane had crashed, and the dead included the other Bruce Moore.  My father also learned that HE was the one who should have been on that flight.  The other man died in his place, and my father was alive, thanks to an officer who pulled rank!

God looks out for His people!  It doesn't matter if 200 people have the same name.  He knows exactly who each one is.  He'll never confuse us, and we will never "get lost in the shuffle", or "slip through the cracks".

As He said to Jeremiah (1:5): "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."

The psalmist beautifully wrote:

                      "O Lord, You have searched me and known me...
                       and are intimately acquainted with all my ways...
                                 You wove me in my mother's womb. 
               I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...
               in your Book were written all the days that were ordained for me, 
                               before even one of them came to be."    (Psalm 139)

                                          Father, You are amazing!  Thank you!

{In Joshua 19:14-15 the northern Bethlehem is mentioned as part of Zebulun's lands...not Judah's.  Luke says that due to the census, Joseph took Mary "to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David." (2:4)  Also, Micah's prophecy about Jesus' birth is very specific, leaving no doubt: "O Bethlehem will be the birthplace of my King Who is alive from everlasting ages past." (5:2)}