The Nativity had already been included in God's plans when disaster struck in the Garden of Eden. He knew what was going to happen; He knew what it would take to fix it, and how much it would cost Him. He did it anyway!
Fit for Eden
Power exploded through the ground;
roots raced downwards;
a profusion of green shot out into the Garden!
Perfection of plants and flowers...
the Tree of Life. for Eden!
Power surged through your fingers
as they scooped up dust from the earth,
shaped Adam, and from him, Eve.
Perfection of first man and woman...
Image of God! for Eden!
Then...danger in the perfect Garden.
The Serpent slunk in...twisted your Father's words...
Perfect Adam and perfect Eve heard...
listened...reached out...
and were fit for Eden no longer.
Our perfection broken, Death now our shadow,
we left Eden, imperfect...but not without Hope,
for the cherubim and flaming sword
were not your Father's final Word.
Compressing Your vastness into a tiny embryo,
You were embedded in the Virgin's womb,
the very seed of perfection,
the very seal of promise.
And so the Creator of Eden
was birthed as a helpless little Baby.
Your power unfolded in sinless sequence:
little boy...young man...carpenter...Teacher...
unstoppable Force!
who looked Death in the eye and destroyed dying,
then proving its defeat by walking out of the tomb, alive!
Only a perfect Man's blood
could quench the flaming sword
that denied us access to the Tree of Life.
You, Yeshua! You were the final Word!
Perfect Man, yet grace-filled God,
You "crushed the Serpent's head",
unweaving the curse that fell on us who sin.
Now, loving us who believe,
and shielding us with Your promise,
You clothe us with Your perfection
to make us fit for Eden once more!
-----Becky Rhon