Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Beyond "Ashes and Indians", (Part IV)...never forgotten

Many years ago, Dad used to tell the Tsáchila Bible stories using a little battery-run projector, with reels of pictures that he turned one-by-one.

Now it was all electronic. In the picture, Carol is over on the left, standing beside the equipment, awaiting her turn.  (It seems none of us took a picture during the actual show, so this is the best I can do!  By the way, the church wasn't empty; the people there are just as adept at avoiding the front rows as anyone else!)

The lights were turned off, and as the pictures were projected onto the front wall, the people were "all eyes"...and quite a bit of voice! How young everyone seemed!...Look - there's So-and-So!...

Carol had compiled the photos (found among Dad's papers) chosing the ones she thought would be of most interest to them.  She had also written simple (but creative) background captions, giving the picture series a chronology, flowing along a timeline, as it were.  At the end, she told the Tsáchila that she was leaving them the flash drive with the presentation, and also the photographs themselves.

Remembering the past...emotions re-evoked...joy of memories, but also a twinge of sadness that those times are no more...(or relief that other things are no more!).  Those feelings are pretty much universal, right? With their memories, they permeate every aspect of our lives and loves.  God made us that way, and that way fits right into its place in our spirit.  Memories can affect us in many ways...at times depressing us...enslaving us...or causing us to reflect...or lifting our spirits...or bringing us closer to the One who gives us Life and Love.

"Remember the wonders He has done, his miracles, and the judgments He pronounced."  (I Chronicles 16:12)

And isn't this AWESOME?   "He remembers his covenant forever, the word He commanded, for a thousand generations."  (I Chronicles 16:15)

And He said, "Even if mothers were to forget, I could never forget you!"  (Isaiah 49:15)

If He never forgets or abandons us, let us never forget Him...let us never shove Him to one side...let us strive to never let anything or anyone else be more important to us.

 Let us all, along with our Tsáchi brothers and sisters, say:

                   "Yes, Lord, walking in the ways of your laws, we wait for You
                     your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." (Isaiah 26:8)

(The final Part will be posted soon!)

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