Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sorry, Noe...no alligators!

Since Dan had a conference  to attend in Orlando, he decided to take his family along and...invited us!  So, after I had spent two lovely weeks with Debbie and her family, I flew down and Germán flew up (from Quito) to Orlando.  We all arrived at the airport on the same day, at different hours.  How awesome it was for me to come down the escalator in the airport, see Noe (10), Micah (8) and Eli (5) waiting, and have them run over to where I was for a big communal hug!

There were so many things to do, we didn't need the theme parks!  There are an abundance of things like kids' museums, the Crayola Experience, water parks, fun restaurants in Disney Springs (like "T-Rex", the one where dinosaurs roar as you eat under a "meteor shower").  The kids loved the different stores with Leggos, Star Wars, and other interesting things...like jewelry and candy!

The lake in the picture was so pretty and peaceful...but we were warned about the alligators.  We saw some bubbles rising up to the surface now and then, and decided that the alligators just might be there.  But we never saw one, there or anywhere else, which was a great disappointment to Noe!                                                                                                                                                      
Snuggling with Eli.
We have been the recipients of the blessing in Psalm 128:6: "May you live to see your children's children."

Dan and KC are faithfully instilling principles of a life lived according to God's Word in their offspring, who we pray will become strong members of the Family of God, so that the words of Colossians 1:12 will apply to them:

"...giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light."  

That inheritance is "incorruptible, undefiled, that does not fade away, reserved in Heaven for you."  (I Peter 4"1)                                                                 
Becky, Noe and KC by the lake.

Dan with the three kids


Noe, Micah, Liliana, Miriam, Eli...five grandchildren...five blessings.

Thank You, Lord, for the special grace of these weeks with them!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"those things you dip in ketchup"

Two wonderful weeks with my Indiana granddaughters!  (And their parents, of course!)  We had a lot of fun, both crazy and sane.

One day Miriam (on the left) wanted to "do" someone's hair, so I  volunteered. Then Liliana joined her, and they ended up getting a little wired! All of us were laughing  as they improvised some weird additions to my "hairdo".

The girls started school a few days after I arrived, but in the afternoons we had time to spend together.  In the mornings, I had time to go shopping with Debbie, talk with her about so many things, help out as I could, etc.

Sunday night is "movie night" for them, and we'd eat in the living room.  On my last movie night there, I made something I think the girls had never eaten before.

 Debbie wanted to know some ways to fix quinoa, so I made some quinoa patties. With some ketchup on the side of their plates, the girls settled down at their TV trays.  I doubted they'd rave about the patties, being something new and "different".  So I was surprised when Miriam asked, "Can I have another of those things you dip in ketchup?" When she was done with the second, she asked for yet another.  But her ketchup ran out before she finished it, and it turned out she didn't like it plain!  Oh well, at least it's a way to get something very nutritious into little kids...let them dip it in ketchup!

We ate out a few times, too. Here, Liliana (7) is on my right, Miriam (6) on my left. I think it was a Mexican restaurant.

As my departure grew closer, when I would leave to spend time with Dan's family,  I told Debbie how much I loved being accepted and trusted by the girls as part of their lives.                    Being grandmother to these two is awesome!

Debbie and Steve are instilling in their daughters a growing understanding of the Family of God..  We pray that they will become strong, faithful members of this Family.

In an amplified version, Deuteronomy 6:7 says, "You shall teach them diligently to your children {impressing God's precept on their minds and penetrating their hearts with His truths}..."

The Word also says that grandparents should be a part of passing on these truths.  "Teach them to your children and to their children after them."  (Deuteronomy 4:9)

                           "You are....members of His household.."  (Ephesians 2:19)

                    Thank You, Lord, for the miracle and blessing of grandchildren!