Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I Know How You Feel

All three deaths occurred within a short time span.  One woman was on her way home by bus when it crashed, killing her and severely injuring her adolescent daughter.  A little seven-year-old boy died of kidney failure. A teenage daughter died of cancer.

There seemed to be a pall over the community. One morning when I went up, as usual, to play the piano at the church, it felt like everyone's collected grief went with me...and this song was wept into being.

Let me share a translation of the words with you, even though they don't rhyme or "flow" like the original in Spanish.  It's the message behind the words that I'd like you to hear.
 It's called "I Know How You Feel".

       Sometimes I ask, "Lord, WHY?"
       Sometimes it seems like I can't go on.
       Not able to understand it, I ask for more faith,
       and You answer, "Child, I know why.

       " I know how you feel as you struggle to go on.
        I know your pain; I know what it is to suffer.
        I know how you feel - I, too, have wept.
        I have knelt in agony.  I can understand."

        Then I hear You say, "Child, why
        don't you rest, and trust Me? I didn't make a mistake.
        I'll gather you into my arms and comfort you.
        I'll lovingly dry your tears of sorrow.

        "I want to give you my peace, heal your wounds.
        Through your trial and pain, I keep on loving you.
        Child, you are of eternal value to Me.
        Put your hand in mine; I'll help you walk on."

I knew I had to share it with the church, but I also knew I could never sing it without crying.  So I taped it, and had it played in the next Sunday morning service.  I had written the lyrics in the church bulletin so people could follow along, and then have the words to keep.  The response of those who were present assured me that this was, indeed, a gift of comfort to the congregation...from their loving Lord.
Two months later I was asked to do something which I had done on several occasions: speak at a national women's retreat. I was feeling better, and likely could have done very well, but this time I said "No".
Why? Simply because when I asked my husband about it, he said "no". How could I get up in front of all those women and teach...when in order to do so I'd have to disobey my husband?

The end result of this was awesome!  It turned out so much better than I ever imagined!  Next time, I'll tell you about how God took this situation and brought great blessing from it.  See you then! 

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