Monday, October 3, 2022

Is it really a "right"? Looking at it a different way...


We can be rather insistent about what WE think should be done and said, can't we?  Decisions can hinge on "rights", preferences, interests. "It's my life, so I get to choose."  I recently came across some thought-provoking statements that view this idea from an angle all too often shoved aside these days.  Let's let our thoughts be "provoked" for a bit, shall we?

"We decide we know what is best for ourselves and those we hold in our power...this life is our proving ground.  This is our time to choose and it is not our 'right' to choose, it is a God-given gift to choose. We choose whether we will offer everything in the temporary world to God in order to gain the Eternal Kingdom."* 

So...we were created with free will, the Creator's "permission", as it were, to decide for ourselves.  But He didn't include it as a "right", as He was under no obligation to add in this precious - yet precarious - capacity. No, it was a gift.  

We don't always choose what is best in God's eyes.  We don't always consider His viewpoint. Out of selfishness? Out of ignorance?  How are we simple mortals supposed to know what He wants, anyway?  (Hint: try asking Him!)

"Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know."  (Jeremiah 33:3)


When Yeshua came to Earth,  He was in constant contact with his Father, whose instructions to His Son included: " proclaim good news to the proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free..."  (Luke 4:18-19) They did NOT say to look after His own "rights" and wants, but to serve others.  He knew what God wanted Him to do, and He chose to obey...

...and  "When they hurled insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly."  (I Peter 2:23)

Yes, we want things to be "fair", even if it means taking "justice" into our own hands...or at least giving it a little shove.  But we must be cautious because, as this author says, "We are simply never allowed to stand in the place of the Lord God."

"But my decision makes sense!" we say.  "It's logical!"  And it may well be.  After all,  God is the One who gave us the ability to use our brain!  But we need to be willing to give HIS instructions priority, even when they seem to us to go against "sense" or logic. (Remember, if it makes sense to God, that's enough.  He can be trusted.) 

 We can also base choices on emotions, but should be careful, as "the disordered use of an emotional response can lead us to act contrary to God's will."*  It can also lead to manipulation, politicizing the personal and the sacred, or even weaponizing what we say.  Maybe this is why He made sure that his Word included verses such as:

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain deceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."  (Philippians 2:3-4)

"Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak."  (I Corinthians 8:9)

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."  (Romans 12:18)


Do we realize that in giving us the gift of "choice", of free will, God was also giving us the capacity to betray Him?  To say "no" to Him?  To disobey Him?                                                     To break His heart?

Can we remember that although we may have "rights", we always have the option of choosing the words, actions, and responses that reflect honor for God and keep our testimony from being tarnished?

"In everything set them an example by doing what is integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned."  (Titus 2:7-8)

Our Savior Yeshua is the only person who did this faultlessly.  Having the advantage of being perfect to begin with, He set the bar as high as it could be set!  But we can aim for it!  He promises us His presence, and places His wisdom and strength at our disposal.  

                       Father, You did not offer us  freedom of choice as a "right".
                       Free will was and is a GIFT.  Please help us use it wisely!

*The Road Goes Ever On: A Christian Journey Through The Lord of the Rings, by A.K. Frailey
(all emphases mine)

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