Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"No, don't bring more people to our church", said a pastor.

Weird, isn't it?  I don't know what was wrong with him, but something was!!  It was as if he put up a sign on the church:  

One of Germán's brothers and his family had been in contact with some people who were interested in studying the Bible and learning about God, and they talked to their pastor about taking them to church.  But the pastor said he didn't want any more people; he had enough as it was!  (It wasn't a very big church at all, so what was his problem?  I believe he just wasn't interested in the added responsibility.)

So they decided to start a home meeting.  The interested people could come to their home, and they'd have a weekly service.  Then they asked the pastor to at least help them out with some Bibles.  No, he wasn't going to help with that, either.  They were on their own.  

Along with most pastors, we see one of the functions of the church as that of being a lighthouse, shining God's Light for those souls who seek, desiring to find and know Him. I think this was the first time I had ever heard of any pastor who didn't hold that view!

After my brother-in-law's family had proceeded a few weeks with the home group, they realized they needed someone with more Biblical preparation, so they asked Germán if he would come  to the meetings to give the sermons.  This eventually grew into what is now Nueva Creación Church.  This was in about 1993 or 1994 - can't remember exactly.  The church has never been very large, has had its periods of lower attendance or higher attendance, and has had its ups and downs.  But many people have come to know Jesus as their Savior through this ministry! 

We have never had a building of our own, either.  We have always met in borrowed or rented locales.  It's a poor church, and simply can't afford to build.  BUT...everyone whom God leads to its doors is welcomed; no one is turned away. And if someone needs a Bible, we'll see that he gets one!
Jesus said it: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  (Matthew 7:7)  We can do that with all confidence, because He also said:  "whoever comes to Me I will never drive away."  (John 6:37)

Maybe we should ask Him to help us have a similar attitude.  How many times do we avoid helping others, listening to others?  We might even turn them away.  Now, there are sometimes very good reasons - we can't "be there" for everyone!  But sometimes it's just that we don't feel like it...or are tired...or don't really care all that much about a particular person...or it seems like too much of an effort...  

I think we should ask God to give us discernment  regarding whom to reach out to...and then pay attention to Him, so that when HE sends someone He wants us to help, we don't end up like that pastor and think, "I don't want to be bothered.  Let him/her go somewhere else."

I hope from the bottom of my heart that YOU know from personal experience what it's like to "knock" and have The Door "opened to you".  If you haven't, remember...He never drives anyone away!
God bless you!  See you next time.

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