Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Two Pictures; a Poem for the New Year; and a continuing story...

Sitting on Abuelito's lap is Miriam (almost 4), and between us is her older sister Liliana (5). To my left is Noe Rhon (8), on Abuelita's lap is her brother Eli (3) and on the floor her brother Micah (6).

Like I promised, here are pictures of our family. We started out with just the two of us, and now we're 11.  The young adults and children in the pictures are all an integral part of our Journey.  Each one has impacted our lives and added depth and wonder to our souls.

I think you can recognize the grandkids from the first picture. Behind Germán are our daughter Debbie and her husband Steve.  Behind me are our son Dan and his wife KC.  (Dan is actually as tall as Steve, but he's hunched over a bit, leaning on the couch, because he had surgery on his foot and can't rest all his weight on it.)
Continuing our tale...I think Nov. 20 was the last post before I shared Christmas poetry and reflections with you, so you might want to go back to it and re-read it. In a nutshell: Germán wanted us to join HCJB as career missionaries (he was only an employee at the time), and I had a hard time with that idea. The idea in itself was fine (I'm a missionary kid myself), but I couldn't see how in the world we were going to manage raising financial support when we didn't have hardly any contacts in the States, no churches to approach, and all the preparation of presentations would fall on me, as Germán's English wasn't up to it. He could team with me in the actual events, but I'd have to do most of the groundwork, and this was my health wasn't all that reliable!

Germán very patiently waited, didn't insist or push me, which I appreciated very much.  Eventually I could handle the idea more serenely.  This poem (though written a few days ago) seems to fit right into how I should have and finally was able to look at things.  (If you want, you can think of it as "New Year Prayer".)

                                                New Day Prayer

                               Each morning You leave a new dawn at my door,
                               the gift of a day never walked through before.

                               Each one is a stepping-stone placed on the Way,
                               and the choices I make will affect how it's played.

                               I can choose to let Son-light illumine each day,
                               to see all of your goodness and hear what You say.

                              There's no guarantee it will be stumble-free,
                               but if You're at my side, as You promised to be,

                              then even when threats to my peace have been made,
                              as You hand me your gift You'll say, "Don't be afraid.

                              "Just stick to the stepping-stones; don't leave the Way
                               or allow circumstances to lead you astray."

                               My sure-footed Shepherd!  My kind-hearted King!
                               Your wisom's deep well calls to each day You bring.

                               Lord, help me to trust You, help me to decide
                               as each stepping-stone beckons, that You'll be my Guide.                                                                                                                                                             -Becky Rhon

Finally the day came when we could approach the mission about applying to join the organization.  Once in conversation with them, and looking at the forms to fill out, there came another hitch....not as intense as the last one. The problem was the answer to one specific question on the application forms. But one that had to do with our future plans and the way I looked at things, and took some time to work out.  I'll tell you about it in the next post.

Until then, God bless you. I pray that you will have begun the new year joyfully, following His stepping-stones towards Eternity.                           

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