Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The ruins or the Cathedral...which do you prefer?

The coming of Christmas always makes us remember the things that Jesus did in a special way.  Remember where He said, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors.  But you are not to be like that.  Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves."  (Luke 22:25-26)  He emphasized that "the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  (Matthew 20:28)  He illustrated this by washing His disciples' feet.  Then He died to give us Life.

 But all through history, there have been people whose obsession is to conquer, to be respected and adored as larger-than-life; powerful leaders who aspire to be placed on the pedestal of fame for all Eternity. (They sure go about it the wrong way!)  I'm positive we can all think of several who dominate the international news these days, people and radical groups who bull-doze their way over the lives of fellow men to construct and develop their dreams of greatness and immortality.

Sometimes I wonder what these people will think the moment they die, wake up in Eternity, and realize that all their efforts and all their corrupt arrogance have, in the long run, gained them...absolutely nothing.  (At least, nothing good!) 


                              Man built a temple to himself  to boast of wealth and name
                              to those lured by his siren song like moths drawn to a flame.

                 But though its splendorous halls were meant
                 to prove himself a god,
                 no record in Eternity will show he ever trod
                 that site where ruins disintegrated into lifeless sod.

       For, much as he might strut, surrounded by his entourage,
       his fame was but a fantasy, his money a mirage.
       His music shivered in the rain and shattered in the sun.
       He walked enchanted aisles in vain, true glory never won.

No matter to what heights this folly's buttresses might soar,
the monument to Man was...only that...and nothing more.


Bound only by infinity, God's vast cathedral calls
the soul to celebrate the Glory bursting through its halls.

The Arquitect of Heaven 
 more than proves Himself our God.
The records of Eternity will show where He once trod,
the places where His presence turned the earth to holy sod.

            Surrounded by His entourage, by angel, star and saint,
            His Name is on Creation's tongue, His wealth without restraint.
            His Music shimmers in the rain and sparkles in the sun.
            Grace echoes everlastingly, salvation fully won.

                             This splendor unsurpassed reflects the God whom we adore:
                             impassioned, powerful Perfection...that...and so much more!         
               *********************************************** -- Becky Rhon

 And that unlimited Perfection, that Glory, that Music, that Grace...was all wrapped up in a little Baby...who came to show us the only way to true greatness.  Those of us who believe in Him will one day have the incomparable joy of walking the halls of His Cathedral at His side!

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