Thursday, September 22, 2016

Happy Anniversary, my Love!

Forty-three years ago!  Here we are in a classic after-ceremony picture.  (Everyone else in this photo is dead by now!)  To Germán's right is his mother (María), and to my left, my parents (Bruce and Joyce).  It's hard to believe that Mom and Dad, at that time, were only 43 and 44!

Yes, forty-three years ago today we knelt together before God to begin our shared journey.  It has taken us over many trails, with twists and turns, sunshine and storms, ups and downs, chronic illness, laughter and tears. Our journey has brought us two wonderful children...and after they married, five beautiful grandchildren.

Forty-three years ago, the Tsáchila still used their native dress.  Now very few do.  It was fun to have some of them as our guests!


Here are two Bible verses that reflect our gratitude to our God:

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."  (Psalm 126:3)

"Surely your goodness and love will follow {us} all the days of {our} lives, and {we} will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."   (Psalm 23:6)

                            Thank You, Father for these forty-three years!

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