Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Don't be an "M&M Christian"!

This memory pops into my mind now and then, and makes me smile.  When we were preparing to speak in a church in Denver, I racked my brain for a simple object lesson.  At the last moment, I thought of M&Ms, and their famous slogan, "...melts in your mouth, not in your hands!" We stopped by a store on the way to the church and bought a package of these colorful, popular chocolate candies.

Missionary deputation can be wearying, with all the traveling and strange beds and trying to figure out how to develop our presentations. But in this case, it was actually quite fun!  I had the kids come up to the front, which thrilled them when they saw what I held:  the bag of M&Ms. I gave each child some from the package. Then I had them all hold the candies for a while...then eat them (yum!)...then show us their hands.  Indeed, we couldn't see any chocolate on any hand or face.  The slogan proved true!  And the following application was understood by all.

The lesson...what, exactly, is an "M&M Christian"?  Well,  M&Ms are supposed to not melt in one's hands, getting chocolate all over the fingers and, in the case of little kids, all over their clothes. One of the outcomes of this special property is this:  no outward evidence is left of the person having eaten them!  (Little kids surely appreciate this. They can raid the candy jar and leave no tell-tale evidence on their hands and faces!)

As Christian believers, are we guilty of being like M&Ms?  As we go through each day, are our faith, actions and attitudes such that "no outward evidence is left" that lets others see that we've been enjoying the Bread of Life? Or do they "melt" on our hands, our face, our whole being?  Can those around us tell that we love God...that we love them?  Does it show?

Let's be sure to let our faith in our Lord show.  Let's not be "M&M Christians"! 
                                                Have a great week!

P.S.  I researched M&Ms briefly, and found out some interesting facts.  They originated in 1941 in the U.S., inspired by a method that had been developed for allowing soldiers (in the Spanish Civil War, I believe) to carry chocolate without it melting.  In the U.S., during World War II, M&Ms were sold exclusively to the military!  (Maybe chocolate was rationed.)

It's notable that, according to its web site, the company that makes them is committed to avoid targeting children under 12 years of age with its advertising, especially snack foods and candies.  It (MARS) remains a family-owned corporation.  Its "Five Principles" are quality, responsibility, mutuality (mutual benefits), efficiency and freedom.  Very commendable!

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